The Brass Facilities Car Park Refurbishment service covers the following;
- Pot Hole Repairs – repairing surface areas to make them safe and prevent further deterioration to the surface.
- a) Cold Lay – for small areas up to 4 metres square, we will lay fully graded high PSV cold asphalt.
- b) Hot Lay – for area over 4 metres square we recommend laying hot rolled asphalt 10mm wearing course. To ensure a neat finish we will cut the damaged area back using a diamond Stihl saw blade and will seal the joint using bitumen cold joint seal.
- c) Infrared Pothole Repair – the infrared heating process produces permanent right first time joint free repairs in an environmentally friendly way and with the minimum disruption i.e. because the process is virtually silent work can be completed at night.
- a) Cold Lay – for small areas up to 4 metres square, we will lay fully graded high PSV cold asphalt.
- Car Park Painting – be it lines or full blocks of colour to delineate individual parking bays or clear numbers Brass Facilities will return your car park to its original state. Essential where car usage is large in restricted parking areas.
- Car Park Drain Repairs – surface areas around drains can become damaged through a combination traffic and or ice. To prevent further deterioration we will cut away the damaged area and repair using an appropriate asphalt finish. Where necessary drain covers and channels will be replaced.
For more information or to speak to a member of our team please call: