Our Tree Surgery Service team operates throughout the Midlands region. We specialise in Pruning, Shaping and Felling Trees and whether the job is big or small, operating safely is a priority at all times.
The range of jobs we undertake is both diverse and complex. We can also advise clients on tree management, particularly in an urban environment, where there are likely to be legal implications.
Unless very old or suffering from disease trees rarely require surgery. However in urban areas they are susceptible to stress which can lead to problems. Regular inspection can highlight problems before they become too serious limiting the degree of work that has to be undertaken. However where problems are more serious then we would carry out one of the following:
1. Felling – When a tree dies, is damaged irreparably or is in conflict with an alternative site use it is necessary to remove it by felling. If space permits, this can be achieved by directional felling, or controlling the direction of fall by special winches. Where space is restricted sectional felling will ensure a systematic dismantling in a controlled and safe manner.
2. Deadwood Pruning – where dead, dying, broken or diseased limbs occur on trees in public areas or close to highways the need to be removed to prevent them from creating a hazard. In areas of limited public access however Brass may advise leaving the limb since deadwood provides a rich habitat for wildlife.
3. Pollarding – where a tree becomes too large for the area in which it is growing or suffers defects that might make it unstable it is sensible to carry out a heavy crown reduction or pollarding of the upper branches. For certain tree species pollarding can stimulate vigorous re-growth and Brass can advise on where this is likely to happen.
4. Thinning – this is the sensitive removal of a selected portion of secondary and small live branch growth throughout the crown. The aim is to encourage an even density of foliage around a well spaced and balanced structure that permits light penetration and reduces the potential damage from wind.

Health & Safety
Before any work is carried out our team will conduct a full risk assessment, to identify potential hazards and thus reduce the level of risk to persons or property and to ensure a safe system of work. All climbing and rigging equipment is inspected regularly and records kept so that they comply with the HSE “Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998” and with the “Provision of Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998”.
Where required a method statement can be provided. All member of our crew are trained and hold the relevant certificates. All work is carried out in accordance with the Arboriculture Associations’ publication A Guide to Good Climbing Practice and the HSE Working at Height Regulations 2005. All machinery and equipment is regularly serviced to ensure it works properly at all times.
For more information or to speak to a member of our team please call: